Christian Affirmations

Great Advice from God!

Christian Affirmations really make a difference in your life!

Yes, first you must change the way you think and the messages you say to yourself. Then you must "DO." That is an affirmation action word.

Christian Something Sisters, God created us to be positive and to affirm ourselves in a positive way. How do I know this?

Because in Jesus Christ's death and resurrection, and the gift of salvation freely given to us, God sees us as absolutely perfect! Listen to this:

"I am overwhelmed with joy in the Lord, my God. For He has dressed me with the clothing of salvation and draped me in a robe of righteousness."
Isaiah 61:10 NIV

Righteousness means we are totally right with God. No sin stands in the way. In light of that, talk to yourself this way - -

Christian Affirmation Number One

I am blessed, so I will be a blessing to others today, even people who are crabby, rude or complaining. (I am sure they will be difficult to find - HA!)

Since God chose you to be the holy people He loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Make allowance for each other's faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.

Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony. Colossians 3: 12-14 NLT

Encouragement from Elaine: My pastor, Dr. Jimmy Jackson, has taught me a new word. It is "sweet-spirited." He says, "Be a sweet spirit in a harsh world." And our world is getting harsher, every day, just listen to the news.

So what are the affirmation actions to be sweet-spirited:

  • Smile
  • Say Nothing
  • Relax
  • More Laughing
  • Appreciate People
  • Think Positive
  • Bite Your Tongue
  • Be Patient
  • More Smiles
  • Be Grateful
  • Be Generous with Others
  • Laugh Still More
  • Laugh
  • Compliment Others
  • Be Thankful
  • Find the Good
  • Show Kindness
  • Be Humble

I may have learned the word "sweet-spirited" from my pastor, but do you know who actually showed me how to do it?

My original Something Sister, Barb, that's who! I had flown out to see her in California, and leaving the airport parking lot, she paid the surly gate attendant, and then she smiled and said, "I hope you have some joy today."

He had this incredulous look on his face, like she was from another planet, but guess what? He did smile back.

We can be the most religious people around, reading our Bibles, going to church, but we have to live the Christian Life out in the world. A smile and a few kind words is what God expects of us. Pretty easy, don't you agree?

Christian Affirmation Number Two

Today I will have an on-going conversation with Jesus; however, I am going to talk less and listen more.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18 NIV

Encouragement from Elaine: Are you so busy rattling off your list of prayer requests to God, that you never take the time to listen to Him?

Think about this -- have you EVER listened to God?

How do you do it? You need these things: time, quiet, being alone, and an open Bible.

Sadly, in our world today, even for Christians, we are obsessed with noise and busyness. Speed is expected everywhere from the first cup of coffee to our computers at work, our microwaves at home and our phones on the road. Music, TV and games fill our ears constantly.

Psalm 46: 10 says, "Be still and know that I am God." Open your Bible to the book of Psalms, great place to start. Read. Pray. Stop and just listen.

Repeat -- Read. Pray. Stop and just listen.

God will respond to you, but it takes time, quiet time, reflective time. You see, you are now in His Presence. Your mind will be different, your thinking will be changed because His Presence is authentic and real.

It is life-changing.

Christian Affirmation Number Three

God created me to be His precious daughter. I am loved by the God of all Creation, and His love never fails.

Then God looked over all He had made, and He saw that it was VERY good!
Genesis 1: 31 NLT

This is amazing! God Affirmed Himself! Now, if positive affirmations are good for the Almighty Creator of the Universe and beyond, it is good for us.

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Something Sisters 31 Day Devotional

Something Sisters
31 Day Devotional

This thirty-one-day devotional book is written for you and your Best Friends to be renewed in your friendship with Jesus. Each day provides a place for you to personalize this with your Best Friend's name. It is a unique and memorable friendship gift. It is also great to keep you close to God!

Much love,


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  Knowing God better and trusting Him more will allow a new level of living above your everyday feelings. Feelings are always in flux. They change with the ebb and flow of our day, and often cause us to make decisions that are not in keeping with our faith in God. Living above our circumstances is a gift in which God allows our faith to triumph over times of confusion, grief, fear and spiritual weakness. This book provides life-victory through our faith! 

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