Friends Forever Poems

The great thing about friends forever poems is their share-ability! You can share poems with all of your wonderful Something Sisters.

Or maybe you have a Mother who is like a friend to you. Perhaps one of your teachers might enjoy poems about friends.

A Forever Friend --Until the End

It takes a life-long effort
To have a Forever Friend,
But you will see and truly have
Rich blessing.....
If you stay until the end.

A Friendship is a give and take.
Sometimes you really have to bend.
Don't be rigid, give when needed,
In words and time.....
And stay until the end.

Forever is a long, long time,
A relationship to tend,
But you will have firm support
And loving care.....
If you stay until the end.

What happens many times is this:
We give up our Forever Friend.
We're easily offended, think of self
And leave.....
Before it is the end.

Don't give up! And never quit!
Your relationship you must mend.
And if you do, you'll have a
Friend Forever 'cause you.....
stayed until the end.

YOU are my Forever Friend,
Your love is not pretend.
You give and share and always care.
You're for real.....
and I'll love you 'til the end.

Elaine Kennelly

Friends Forever Poems - Copyright 2012

Just like I said....Lots of Poems About Friends

College roommates Marnie, Elaine, and Dottie have been Good Friends for MANY years!

A Forever Friend

How do you get a friend that's forever?
That's easy -- You never quit.
You never give up. Instead, you always hang-in.

How do you get a friend that's forever?
That's easy -- You never hate.
You're never lukewarm. Instead, you love from within.

How do you get a friend that's forever?
That easy -- You always have fun.
You never complain. Instead, you smile and grin.

How do you get a friend that's forever?
That's easy -- You schedule time.
You never forget. Instead, you "pen" them in.

How do you get a friend that's forever?
That's easy -- You always forgive.
You never get bitter. Instead, you "let-go".

Now that's certainly win/win!

Elaine Kennelly

Friends Forever Poems - Copyright 2012

The next Friendship Poem gives insight on why some friendships fail.

On Being a Friend

If we were totally honest, in our life there's been a trail
Of women we thought were friends, yet friendship did not prevail.

Why do some friendships work, while others fall apart and fail?
When expectations hold no reality, our friendships are fragile and frail.

Expectations are the enemy; they are always set too high.
We want our friends to meet our needs; when they can't, we wonder why.

Being a friend is not a set of rules that we must put in place.
It is a process of give and take; it's the journey we must embrace.

When making a Forever Friend, don't look for perfect living.
Don't expect to receive at all; the joy is in the giving.

The answer is in Relationship -- in love and faith and trust.
That's what makes a friendship last -- faithful giving is a must.

But there are those who only take, and never give at all.
Don't waste time or emotions; their heart is just too small.

Find friends who bring you joy; where together you can laugh.
Winnow out the good ones, and throw away the chaff!

Elaine Kennelly

Friends Forever Poems - Copyright 2012

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Author Website

Something Sisters 31 Day Devotional

Something Sisters
31 Day Devotional

This thirty-one-day devotional book is written for you and your Best Friends to be renewed in your friendship with Jesus. Each day provides a place for you to personalize this with your Best Friend's name. It is a unique and memorable friendship gift. It is also great to keep you close to God!

Much love,


Available to purchase at

New Book from Elaine


  Knowing God better and trusting Him more will allow a new level of living above your everyday feelings. Feelings are always in flux. They change with the ebb and flow of our day, and often cause us to make decisions that are not in keeping with our faith in God. Living above our circumstances is a gift in which God allows our faith to triumph over times of confusion, grief, fear and spiritual weakness. This book provides life-victory through our faith! 

  Over  500  Bible verses  and  50 prayers    in this easy-to-read devotional book!

Available to purchase at

Great Gift for Anniversary,   Thanksgiving, or birthday!