Funny Friendship Poems

Nothing lifts the spirits more than good jokes, funny friendship poems, or silly experiences you share with your Something Sisters. Giggles are good, and guffaws are even better!

The Perfect Gift: A Funny Friendship Poem

'Tis the middle of December, and my palms are full of sweat

'Cause I don't have my Something Sister's Christmas present yet.

I've tossed, I've turned, I'm restless, not sleeping well at night.

I've got to get this in the mail. Do it now and do it right!

My brain's not thinking straight, no good ideas for her this year.

Socks? Perfume or Jammies? Earmuffs -- to cover two cold ears?

Something cashmere? Fancy footgear? Lessons on how to draw?

I want to make it meaningful, not the same old blah, blah, blah.

A-h-h...Something good and very special just came into my thoughts

I saw the cover of a precious book, which easily can be bought.

Just go online to or .com at Barnes and Noble

They will even ship your book, yes, for that they are quite able.

The book is new, it's Something Sisters 31 Day Devotional

Written especially for your Best Friend, your long-time Christmas angel.

You can write her name on every day, which makes it very personal,

She will grow in love and faith -- there's even room for her to journal.

This special book will make your Something Sisters smile,

And it's the perfect Christmas gift to send across the miles.

Oh, I feel so much better now...I'm calm....I feel quite right.

"Merry Christmas" to all my Sisters, and to everyone, "Good Night"!

Elaine Kennelly

Funny Friendship Poem

Copyright Elaine Kennelly 2012 All Rights Reserved

Elaine received the first books from her publisher on Nov. 15th. Here she is giving one to "Cookie", a Southern Something Sister for a Birthday present on the 16th. HAPPY BIRTHDAY COOKIE!

Is your best friend having a "down day"? Send her one of these fun poems about friends, and guess what? You will put a smile on her face! Sometimes all it takes to get us out of a "sad spirit" is an email with a fun friendship poem attached.

Here is one of my favorites:

Friends and Technology

It's not that friends must meet these days
During the year or month or week;
With all this new technology,
Communication is at its peak.

Our emails fly at lightning speed
To reach our monitor screen.
Forty - Eighty - One Hundred a day!
"Wow, what fun".... If you know what I mean.

Yes, our cell phones are a miracle.
We can text or we can talk.
We can Swype, and we can Skype.
We can Instant Message while we walk.

To speed things up, we Twitter
And send a special Tweet.
Even if our very best friend
Just lives across the street.

And don't forget your Facebook Wall
On which you put your friends.
I'm sure that all one thousand plus
Will love you to the end.

Ah, technology -- we love our little gadgets.
IPads -- IPods -- IPhones -- what a bunch!
But if you don't mind, dear Friend,
Could we just meet for lunch??

Elaine Kennelly

Funny Friendship Poems

Copyright Elaine Kennelly 2012, All Rights Reserved

I bet your Something Sister would love to go to lunch with you after you send her that funny friendship poem about technology. Let her know you found this short friendship poem at Remember, the more friends you have, the richer you are. Let's meet here!

Smiling never goes out of fashion! Whether you meet a friend or a stranger, a smile is sure to generate good feelings. Be a great best friend sister and smile at everyone! They're good for you.


"Smile...and the world smiles with you."
Yes! That is most certainly true.
If you are the one to smile your smile first
It seems others will follow you, too.
When you see someone whom you do not know
A stranger, who just passes you by,
Give your sweet-tempered , every day smile
And, you know, a smile will be their reply.

We think smiles for a stranger are not proper
That a smile is for someone we know.
But the truth is that your passing stranger
May need a smile and a simple, "Hello."
Your smile may be the best part of her day.
The rest of it may end up in tears.
So don't be afraid to smile lots of smiles.
It may soften a heart full of fears.

Just imagine if your smile was the only gift
She received into her life that day;
Would it not be worth it to share and to give
A bit of joy and sunshine her way?
We need not know all on our path of life
To bring a smile to somebody's face.
No, a stranger may just be the one who
Needs your smile as a form of God's Grace.

Elaine Kennelly

Funny Friendship Poems

Copyright by Elaine Kennelly 2012, All Rights Reserved

Not Again!

How is it that the best of friends who travel to and fro

Find themselves once more at Baggage Claim for a bag that doesn’t show

It’s a quandary that befuddles sweet young ladies or old men

You have lost my luggage? Really? Oh, my goodness…NOT AGAIN!

Yes, the luggage trail looms large for two best friends when we go far

Needing airplanes to transport us, how we wish we’d used a car

But the miles are just too far for us to travel here and then

So we find ourselves exclaiming, “You have lost it?!” NOT AGAIN!

You’d think our suitcase “gods” would move our luggage on its way

We’d get someplace, pick up our bags like others every day

We stand there at the baggage claim, start counting one to ten

Conveyer belt is loaded but not with ours, oh NOT AGAIN!

Now it doesn’t always happen that we both will lose a bag

At least not at the same time. No, at this we’re playing tag.

But the one thing I assure you is no matter where or when

Take our bag…you’ll dress like divas…you’ll be shouting…NOT AGAIN!

To my SS Elaine…who shares in my luggage dilemma.

Who really cares…we have each other…no problemma!

Barbara Schramm Harriman

Funny Friendship Poems

Copyright Barbara Harriman 2012, All Rights Reserved has thousands of great Christian books, music and more for all ages!

Click on the link below to view their website.


Best Friends Love to Laugh Together and Funny Friendship Poems can make you and your friends smile!

A smile is a curve that set's things straight.

Author Unknown

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Author Website

Something Sisters 31 Day Devotional

Something Sisters
31 Day Devotional

This thirty-one-day devotional book is written for you and your Best Friends to be renewed in your friendship with Jesus. Each day provides a place for you to personalize this with your Best Friend's name. It is a unique and memorable friendship gift. It is also great to keep you close to God!

Much love,


Available to purchase at

New Book from Elaine


  Knowing God better and trusting Him more will allow a new level of living above your everyday feelings. Feelings are always in flux. They change with the ebb and flow of our day, and often cause us to make decisions that are not in keeping with our faith in God. Living above our circumstances is a gift in which God allows our faith to triumph over times of confusion, grief, fear and spiritual weakness. This book provides life-victory through our faith! 

  Over  500  Bible verses  and  50 prayers    in this easy-to-read devotional book!

Available to purchase at

Great Gift for Anniversary or birthday!